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Lightworkers 光使 2018

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John8: 12‘Lightworkers’ is a project of exploring the light. Being witnessed by different people and through the stories of the Bible, the power of light will be demonstrated in an artistic way, including sharing life, spreading hope, and reconstructing Belief. Without light life, people lost the standard of right and wrong; with light life, life is in Him and has been in the right direction since then.

“Lightworkers” 是一項探索光的計劃,「以光傳達光」。透過以不同的聖經故事,用攝影的方式展示光的力量,包括分享生命、散播希望和重建信仰。沒有光的生命,人們迷失了是非善惡的標準;有了光的生命,生命在祂裏頭,從此有了正確的方向。


© 2015 by Yiu Chi Leung / Hong Kong

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